
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Economic and mathematical model of bee colonies housing in two-block hive with combined technological partitionEconomic and mathematical model of bee colonies housing in two-block hive with combined technological partition


One of the main directions of increasing the economic efficiency of bee products is increase in productivity of bee colonies with economical expenditure of material resources, primarily use of such basic means as new design bee hive. A completely new design of a two-block bee hive is proposed, allowing two families of bees in one house. The two-block bee hive allows to use a simple technological partition to combine two different families with their uterus and get one super-strong family. In two-block hives, the main drawback of one-block hives has been eliminated – significant weight of hive body, which restrains increase in productivity of beekeeper and prevents decrease in product cost price. The volume of a two-block bee hive and the parameters of a combined technological partition, which were obtained as a result of observations and longterm experiments, have been justified. Economic and mathematical model of bee colonies development when housed in two-block hive with combined technological partition is presented. Practical calculation of the economic potential of two-block bee hive has been made. Substantiation of regularity of obtaining high results in housing and peaceful unification of bee colonies in a two-block bee hive with a technological combined partition is given. Keeping bees in the developed two-block hives opens up great prospects in the field of beekeeping.

About the Authors

V. R. Petrovets
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Petrovets Vladimir R. - D.Sc. (Engineering), Professo

5 Michurina Str., Gorki 213407, Mogilev region

T. L. Khromenkova
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Tatyana L. Khromenkova - Ph.D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor

5 Michurina Str., Gorki 213407, Mogilev region

L. A. Shershneva
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Lyudmila A. Shershneva

5 Michurina Str., Gorki 213407, Mogilev region

A. N. Shershnev
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Alexander N. Shershnev - Postgraduate student

5 Michurina Str., Gorki 213407, Mogilev region


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