Food and biological value of meat paste with emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials after technological preparation
Currently, animal proteins have a special role in the meat processing industry for meat products. A promising source of additional food protein production is natural collagen-containing raw materials, which can be used as part of protein-fat emulsions. The paper presents the results of research on nutritional and biological value of meat paste using new types of emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials, which have undergone technological treatment with bacteria p. Lactobacillus. To compare the data obtained, the studied samples of paste were compared with paste produces using emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials with no treatment, as well as subjected to hydrolysis. The results of determining indicators characterizing the nutritional and biological value of the developed paste are presented: content of protein, fat, nonessential and essential acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals. Development of a new method for preparing collagen-containing raw materials to be used in meat products will allow excluding vegetable protein from composition, as well as improving nutritional and biological value of the product. Collagen-containing raw materials used in meat paste will contribute to increase in use of biologically valuable secondary raw materials in meat-processing industry, as well as to expand of the range of high-quality food products of high nutritional and biological value for all age groups of population.
About the Authors
A. V. MeliaschenyaBelarus
Aleksey V. Meliashchenia – Ph.D. (Economics), Associate professor
172 Partizanski Ave., Minsk 220075, Republic of Belarus
T. A. Saveleva
Tamara A. Savelyeva – Ph.D. (Veterinary), Associate professor
172 Partizanski Ave., Minsk 220075, Republic of Belarus
I. V. Kaltovich
Irina V. Kaltovich – Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate professor
172 Partizanski Ave., Minsk 220075, Republic of Belarus
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