
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Intensive gardening: mechanization of cut branches windrowing


The most promising technology for utilization of fruit branches is grinding in the aisles of the garden using a special unit. However, the existing technical means provide for double run of the unit, since the width of the grinders is less than the row spacing width. This reduces labor performance up to 2 times and increases the cost of technological operation. A rational solution to this problem is windrowing of the cut branches and crushing within one run by one unit (machine complex) . At the same time, in case the branch grinders have been studied well enough and their parameters are justified, the rational parameters of the branch windrowing unit have not been substantiated until now. Therefore, study of the functioning and substantiation of the parameters of windrowing unit of fruit tree branches is an urgent problem in fruit growing. Analysis of technologies and technical means for this operation showed that the most rational was the technology of utilization of cut products using windrowing and crushing method directly in the garden row, mulching the soil surface with sawdust. Such machines are not manufactured in the republic. To substantiate the parameters of the windrowing unit for branches of fruit trees, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out to substantiate its operational width. The diameter of position of the brush assembly brushes, the rational number of brushes on the operating body in quantity, speed of its rotation and dynamic coefficient have been determined. The graphical analysis of the process of moving branches by the brush unit made it possible to determine the rational length and rigidity of the elastic fingers of the brush. The obtained parameters and operating modes of the branch windrowing unite were used for development of a complex for harvesting branches of fruit trees KUV1.8, which provides for windrowing and grinding of cut and swath branches of garden trees and bushes with chips scattering on the surface in one run along the row. The prototype of KUV-1.8 branch harvesting complex has successfully passed the commissioning tests and extensive operational test. 

About the Authors

P. P. Kazakevich
Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Petr P. KazakevichCorresponding Member, Sc. (Engineering), Professor. Deputy Chairman of the Presidium

66, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus

A. N. Yurin
Scientific and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agricultural Mechanization

Anton N. YurinPh. D. (Engineering), Associate professor

1 Knorina St., Minsk 220049, Republic of Belarus


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