Protection of grain crops with herbicide Secator Plus, MD
The natural and climatic conditions of Belarusare favorable for development of over 300 species of weeds. Currently, perennial, wintering, winter and spring weeds dominate among grain crops. When grain crops are infested with both annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds, herbicides containing several active substances are efficient. One of such promising herbicides is the new herbicide Secator Plus, MD(2.4 acid, 433 g/l + iodosulfuron, 62.5 g/l + amidosulfuron, 25 g/l + mefenpyr /antidote/, 62.5 g/l). This herbicide used at the rate of 0.3-0.5 l/ha for winter grain crops provided high biological efficiency against the dominant annual and some perennial dicotyledonous weeds (80–100% loss): Chenopodium album L., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Galeopsis tetrahit L., Tripleurospermum inodorum Sch.-Bip., Galium aparine L., Sonchus arvensis L., etc. In the studied crops, reliable increases in preserved grain yield were obtained. Economic benefit: the net income in winter wheat crops amounted to 60.0-90.0 dollars/ha, winter triticale 35.5-43.7 dollars/ha, and spring wheat 159.9-212.3 dollars/ha. Based on the research results, the herbicide Secator Plus, MD is registered in the State Register of Plant Protection Products (pesticides) and fertilizers permitted for use on the territory of theRepublic ofBelarus. The research results are of interest in the field of herbology, since they reveal the mechanisms of interaction of various active substances in herbicide, show possibilities of its widespread use in agriculture.
About the Author
S. V. SorokaBelarus
Sergey V. Coroka – D.Sc. (Agricultural), Associate professor
2 Mira Str., a/c Priluki, 223011 Minsk District, Minsk Region, Republic of Belarus
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