Obtaining potato microtubers in a liquid nutrient medium
About the Authors
D. V. VolkovKazakhstan
Dmitriy V. Volkov – M.S. (Biological)
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
D. L. Daurov
Dias L. Daurov –M.S. (Engineering)
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. K. Daurova
Ainash K. Daurova – M.S. (Agricultural)
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zh. S. Abay
Zhandos S. Abay – B.Sc. (Engineering)
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
K. K. Zhapar
Kuanysh K. Zhapar – M.S. (Biological)
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
K. Zh. Zhambakin
Kabl Zh. Zhambakin – Academician, D.Sc. (Biological), Professor
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
M. Kh. Shamekova
Malika Kh. Shamekova – Associate professor, Ph.D. (Philosophy) uage: AR-SA'>(Engineering)
45 Timiryazev Str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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