
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Food security in the Eurasian Economic Union


Currently, the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are faced with the task of reaching sustainable development of agricultural production in order to provide the population with food in full. To solve this problem, priority areas and mechanisms for ensuring food security have been determined in each of the member countries of theUnion, assessment and monitoring systems based on a set of criteria and indicators are functioning. However, due to its complex nature, the problem of ensuring food security needs to be addressed not only in the national context through implementation of country programs, but also within the EAEU. The paper contains description of the major regulatory documents of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, determining strategic goals, criteria and mechanisms for ensuring food security, as well as regulating the issues of monitoring it at the national level. Analysis of ensuring food security in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2016-2018 is provided according to the criteria of sufficiency of production and average per capita consumption of food products, based on the standards established at the national level. Proposals are formulated for the   development of interstate cooperation between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the framework of Eurasian Economic Union’s coordinated agricultural policy with the purpose of sustainable food supply. The results presented in the paper can be used for research and practical support of the activities of state administration bodies of the agro-industrial complex of the EAEU member countries, for development of the latest national program documents in the field of food security, as well as for preparation of other strategic documents in the field of social and economic development and AIC.

About the Authors

A. B. Kusainova
Eurasian Economic Commission
Russian Federation

Aina B. Kusainova - Eurasian  Economic  Commission

2 Letnikovskaya Str., bld. 2, 115114 Moscow, Russian Federation

M. S. Baigot
Eurasian Economic Commission
Russian Federation

Maria S. Baigot - Ph.D. (Economics), Assistant Professor. Eurasian  Economic  Commission

2 Letnikovskaya Str., bld. 2, 115114 Moscow, Russian Federation

I. S. Glotova
Eurasian Economic Commission
Russian Federation

Inna S. Glotova - Ph.D. (Economics). Eurasian Economic Commission

2 Letnikovskaya Str., bld. 2, 115114 Moscow, Russian Federation


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