
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Efficiency of pelleting of sugar beet seeds in centrifugal pelleting machine


Seed pelleting is an efficient way to improve the sowing quality of seeds. Diverse positive effect of pelleting is mostly noticeable for beet seeds. Increased size and spherical shape of seeds with shell allows to use precision seeding technology, as well as fertilizers and protective agents being part of the shell, increase their sowing potential and finally increase yields. To obtain pelleted seeds, it is required to use a specialized line with a seed pelleting machine being the main equipment. An improved design of centrifugal batch-operated seed pelleting machine has been developed and manufactured in Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. To activate the process of rolling the shell in the mixing chamber of the pelleting machine, it was proposed to use separately installed blades. Based on theoretical and experimental studies, the main structural and technological parameters of the pelleting machine has been determined to ensure the highest quality of pelleted seeds. Seeds of sugar beet of the domestic variety “Polybel” obtained in a favorable climate were selected for experimental studies. Finished mixture based on bentonite clay was selected as a filler of the seed coat. After the coat formation, the insect-fungicidal dressing agent Prestige was applied to the seeds. The seeds of sugar beet of the domestic variety “Polybel” obtained on experimental pelleting machine showed high results in germination and yield. They are comparable to imported sugar beet hybrids. Pelleting of seeds of domestic varieties of sugar beet on the territory of the Republic of Belarus can become a good alternative to imported pelleted seeds, especially considering their cost, which significantly exceeds the cost of untreated seeds.

About the Authors

V. R. Petrovets
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy Gorki

Vladimir R. Petrovets - D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

5 Michurina Str., Gorki 213407, Mogilev Region

D. A. Mikheyeu
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy Gorki

Denis А. Mikheev - Ph.D. (Engineering)

5 Michurina Str., Gorki 213407, Mogilev Region

V. P. Gnilozub
Experimental Scientific Station for Sugar Beet, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vladimir P. Gnilozub

1 Ozernaya Str., 220063 Nesvizh, Minsk Region


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19. Chervyakov A. V., Kurzenkov S. V., Mikheev D. A. Results of experimental research on sugar beet seed pelleting in a centrifugal granulator using a paddle reflector. Vestnik Belorusskoi gosudarstvennoi sel’skokhozyaistvennoi akademii = Bulletin of the Belarussian State Agricultural Academy, 2015, no. 4, pp. 146-150 (in Russian).

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