
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Simultaneous direct ex vitro rooting and adaptation of the blue honeysuckle micro-sprouts (Lonicera Caerulea L. var. Kamtschatica)


Direct rooting of regenerative plants under ex vitro conditions is of great importance in agricultural biotechnology, as it leads to acceleration of micropropagation process by eliminating the stage of in vitro rooting and reduces the costs for obtaining healthy planting material of fruit and small-fruit crops. Possibility of direct ex vitro rooting and adaptation of blue honeysuckle microshoots at one stage with no stage of in vitro rooting has been determined. For ex vitro rooting and adaptation of honeysuckle microshoots, it is required to use non-sterile substrate: Sphagnum L. moss with a surface layer of peat (0.5 cm). The rate of rooted microshoots on this substrate makes 72-84 % during summer-autumn period and not less than 60 % during winter period. Thermal treatment of the peat surface layer and the use of aqueous IBA solutions at ex vitro rooting stage will be economically justified during propagation of individual varieties characterized by low proliferation activity in in vitro culture or low ex vitro rhizogenic activity, as well as breeding novelties requiring rapid propagation and obtaining of large amount of planting material. Thermal treatment of the peat surface layer allows increasing the rate of rooted microshoots of Volkhov variety by 10.7 %, Krupnoplodnaya variety by 13.2 %, Pavlovskaya variety by 3.8 % when rooting during spring period. Use of aqueous solutions of IBA increases the rate of rooted plants by 6.2-6.7 % in Vostorg and Krupnoplodnaya varieties when rooting during summer period. Carrying out of one cutting of ex vitro rooted microshoots and further cuttings of obtained material can be used to increase the yield of planting material of blue honeysuckle varieties. Ex vitro rooting and adaptation of blue honeysuckle microshoots at one stage with further ex vitro cutting increases production profitability by 3.5 and 12.9 times in comparison with conventional method of clonal micropropagation of blue honeysuckle.

About the Author

E. V. Kolbanova
Institute for Fruit Growing, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Elena V. Kolbanova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor

2, Kovalev Str., 223013 Samokhvalovichy, Minsk Region


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