Methodology for assessment of competitive potential of functional purpose confectionery in the context of global market trends
The confectionery industry in the world belongs to dynamically developing sectors of the economy and fast-growing segments of the consumer market, due to the accelerated transformation of demand under influence of healthy nutrition and safety trends, as well as ability of the industry to adapt and develop considering consumer preferences through innovations and development of sustainable competitive strategies. New products with original consumer properties of functional purpose with a low sugar content and healthy fats are constantly appearing in the confectionery market. In this regard, assessment of products competitiveness should take into account the new qualities and availability to the consumer, which will allow commodity producers to form an efficient competitive strategy based on the analysis, plan innovative initiatives, and achieve success in promoting in the domestic and foreign markets. The paper presents the results of studying the trends in the world confectionery market, as well as marketing analysis of quality price parameters of products of domestic and foreign producers in the domestic market. An efficient methodology for assessing competitiveness of functional purpose confectionery products in terms of chocolate has been substantiated, and its testing results made it possible to identify the competitive advantages of domestic products in the field of organoleptic properties, nutritional value, functional efficiency and information content of packaging for the consumer. Use of the development in practice will make it possible to successfully position Belarusian chocolate as an original product of high quality, increase the added value of products for export, as well as form a stable consumer demand for healthy foods in the domestic market. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the Branch Scientific and Technical Program “Child Nutrition. Quality and safety” for 2016-2020, as well as the state program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agroindustrial Production” for 2016-2020, subprogram 1 “AIC Economy”.
About the Authors
Z. V. LovkisBelarus
Zenon V. Lovkis - Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor
29 Kozlova Str., 220037 Minsk
A. M. Marhunova
Alena M. Marhunova - Ph.D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor
29 Kozlova Str., 220037 Minsk
S. E. Tamashevich
Sviatlana E. Tamashevich - Ph.D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor
29 Kozlova Str., 220037 Minsk
S. A. Kandratsenka
Sviatlana A. Kandratsenka - Ph.D. (Economic), Associate Professor
103 Kazinets Str., 220108 Minsk
A. N. Marhunov
Artsiom N. Marhunov - Graduate student
3, Shmidt Ave., 212027 Mogilev
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