
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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System of performance-based comprehensive evaluation of horses of plant type in Belarusian draft breed


Obtaining horses of a new quality, mostly required in modern conditions of in the republic, is one of the promising tasks for further breeding. While preserving the specific traits of the basic Belarusian draft breed, the horses of the created type will be characterized by new traits of a more expanded non-traditional horse use. This is for the first time when traits were established during work with the Belarusian draft breed, determining universal performance of the plant type horses, as well as in accordance with motor traits step length when moving in steps, trot; speed of movement in steps, trot, gallop; style of movement in steps, gallop, trot; according to jumping traits – the height of obstacles taken, the style of jumping, and temperament. The indicators for evaluating horses according to the indicated traits have been studied. The positive correlation of performance indicators with some basic and additionally taken measurements of horses, angles of articulation of individual parts has been established. Differentiation of jump has been developed with specifying such phases as grouping, repulsion, flight, landing, which will be used to evaluate and predict its efficiency. Factors determining efficiency of jump have been determined. Length of run, distance from the repulsion point to the obstacle, reserve of jump, mobility of the head, neck and limbs. Characteristic features of the studied allures, their genetic and statistical characteristics are determined. Positive correlation between a number of measurements and features of the horse exterior with the motion and jumping traits was determined. Training methods have been developed and used that ensure development of jumping traits of horses of the created type of over 90 cm. The information obtained will be used to develop recommendations for training, testing and evaluation of horses of plant type of Belarusian draft breed. This will allow improving the welfare of Belarusian horse breeding, raise quality of horses obtained, and become an export-oriented industry in agro-ecotourism and leisure horse breeding for the CIS countries.

About the Author

Y. I. Herman
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry

Yury I. Herman - Ph.D. (Agricultural), Associate professor

11 Frunze Str., Zhodino 222160, Minsk region


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