
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Breeding techniques to form final parent groups of sows (F1) with a high adaptive ability


Global experience related to increased pork production shows that breeding work has become an integral part of the technology, since it is impossible to further improve breeding and performance traits of animals without it and therefore the greater production of better quality pork. The paper presents the results of the breeding process arrangement for creation of F1 parental pig. Substantiation of breeding techniques when creating the final parental groups of sows (F1) with a high adaptive ability was based on complex methods to evaluate breeding animals, including traditional methods of domestic breeding and breeding indices. Evaluation of combination compatibility of breed-linear hybrids with the use of breeding indices during mating of parent initial forms allows to determine efficiency of using Yorkshire sows with Landrace boars, and Landrace sows with Yorkshire boars (final parental sows (F1)), which had significantly better reproductive indicators in comparison with BLW х BM genotype sows. Particularly efficient compatibility was recorded when selecting Yorkshire sows and Landrace boars. It was determined that in modern conditions an increase in the efficiency of breeding and pedigree work in pig breeding was based on the use of genetic methods, including: individual assessment of pedigree species according to the main breeding traits, evaluation of genome of each breeding animal, and use of breeding indices allowing to identify the true genetic potential of animals and predict performance traits of their offspring. The research relevance lies in using the innovative methodology for comprehensive assessment of combination compatibility of parental pairs, unified for pig husbandries and pig farms, which will make it possible to 10% accelerate the breeding process of forming the final parental forms of sows, ensure obtaining offspring with predictable reproductive, fattening and meat traits, and good adaptive ability.

About the Authors

R. I. Sheiko
Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences

Ruslan I. Sheyko - Corresponding Member, D.Sc. (Agriculture), Professor

27 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072

I. N. Kazarovets
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Iryna N. Kazarovets - External student

99 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023


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