
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Methodological bases for assessing competitiveness of agri-food products according to quality Parameters


Improving competitiveness of agri-food products is one of the priority state tasks in the field of the national agro-industrial complex development. Taking into account the fact that quality is currently an important factor determining competitive advantages of products in the market, the strategic line for increasing its competitiveness is arrangement of efficient system for quality and safety assurance. Objective assessment of efficiency of such a system implies the need to analyze competitiveness of products in terms of quality parameters in order to improve it, predict the demand level, volume and efficiency of AIC products sales in the external and internal markets. The purpose of research is to determine the most efficient methods and methodological approaches for assessing competitiveness of agri-food products according to quality parameters in modern conditions. As a result, the algorithm for determining the products competitiveness level according to quality parameters has been developed, involving implementation of a range of relevant activities, considering the dominant agri-food security of goods and including four major stages: I definition of the target basis; II assessment of market access according to basic indicators; III analysis unit and IV decision-making unit. A system of principles that should guide choice of quality characteristics of products for analysis of competitiveness is proposed. Methodological approaches to assessment of competitive advantages of agri-food products through integrated and discrete approaches are substantiated, their advantages and disadvantages are determined, as well as application scope. The proposed methodological bases used in practice for assessing competitiveness of products according to quality parameters will allow to reliably determine the level of competitiveness of products in a particular market, create a system of priority indicators requiring priority attention in terms of implementing competitive advantages and eliminating drawbacks in quality management system, develop scientifically based strategy for products promotion to market.

About the Author

P. V. Rastorgouev
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Petr V. Rastorgouev - Ph. D. (in Economics), Associate Professor

103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108


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