
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Theoretical approaches for improvement of foreign trade relations in agri-food sector in the context of increased competition in the world market


The Republic of Belarus is an export-oriented country in the field of trading with agri-food products and occupies rather significant place in the world ranking of the leading countries. In the view of intensive development of world trade, Belarus is increasingly becoming a part of the international labor differentiation. Thus, of the total volume of domestic production, the republic sells about 35 % of agri-food products to foreign markets. However, the further development of foreign trade in Belarus requires improvement of regulatory methods and tools to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of foreign trade in Agro-Industrial Complex and optimize its parameters, as well as adaptation to changing conditions of the internal and external environment. The paper presents the results of studies on selecting perfect ratio of import and export of agricultural products, as well as balance of export-and-import flows and efficiency of foreign economic activity. The main research directions in studying foreign trade are highlighted, the evolution of approaches  to the nature and aims of export-and-import operations in the system of world economic relations is analyzed. The main interrelations of their foreign economic activity are shown considering the main market factors that contribute to increase of importance and efficiency of foreign economic activity. The fundamental patterns influencing foreign trade relations in agri-food sector in the context of regional integration are identified, including growth of the role of international division of finished food production process into separate stages and having such stages in different countries, the strengthening of country interaction within the frame-work of regional trade and economic integration associations, etc. The indicators for assessing foreign trade in the economy of a country are systematized based on the proposed methodological foundations for establishing criteria of application, formed based on their importance in the country’s economic system and ensuring identification of advantages and disadvantages that the country obtains as a result of trade with agri-food products in the world and regional markets.

About the Authors

E. P. Makutsenia
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Makutsenia Ekaterina P. – The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 Minsk.

M. I. Zapolsky
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Zapolsky  Mikhail  I.  –  D.Sc.  (Economics),  Professor. The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

103  Kazintsa  Str.,  220108  Minsk.


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