Method for increasing competitiveness of technically sophisticated industrial goods based on example of grain harvesters
Decisive factor for commercial success of any business entity in market economy is competitiveness, since it contributes to efficient and profitable work of enterprises, allows to see prospect, but requires constant increase of product export potential possible due to improvement of its quality and cost characteristics. In this regard, the problem of increasing competitiveness of products is becoming increasingly important in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Belarus nowadays and becoming the main criterion for efficient functioning and sustainable development of agricultural engineering companies. The paper reveals concept and economic essence of competitiveness of technically sophisticated industrial products. Peculiarities of formation of competitiveness of grain harvesters are revealed and criteria for its evaluation are substantiated. The basic factors and the nature of their effect on competitiveness of grain harvesters are determined. Method for assessment of competitiveness of goods for industrial purposes is presented. Practical recommendations are developed to increase competitiveness of grain harvesters, as well as their manufacturers. Method for selecting rational option of technical solution during design, improvement and modernization of agricultural machines has been substantiated and developed. The proposed methods for improving competitiveness of technically sophisticated industrial goods on example of grain harvesters contributes to more rational use of enterprises’ resources, successful development of foreign markets and ensures significant increase in competitiveness of products of enterprises engaged in development and production of sophisticated engineering products.
About the Authors
A. S. SayganovBelarus
Saiganov Anatoly S. - D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, The Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 Minsk.
V. K. Lipskaya
Lipskaya Vasilina K. - Ph.D. (Economics), Harvester Construction Technical Center, “Gomselmash”.
61 Efremova Str., 246031 Gomel.
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