
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Ways to improve efficiency of compound feed for fish


The successful development of the fish industry in the Republic of Belarus requires the provision of aquaculture facilities with low-cost, high-quality, safe and effective feed. Institute of Fish Industry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is developing new types of domestic raw materials of waste industry, in particular fish processing waste. This high-protein raw material is the best for freshwater fish, especially for valuable species. Currently, laboratory samples of fish hydrolyzate have been obtained, which can replace imported fish meal by 10–15 % in composition of compound feed for fish, which will make it possible to reduce the price of domestic feed by 7–10 %. Development of hydrolyzate from fish processing waste will create a closed cycle of fish processing with production of high-quality compound feed raw materials. A new treatment-and-prophylactic compound feed “Mix-Feed” and its specifications have been developed. Compound feed is intended for prevention and treatment of bacterial infections of carp fish, natural phytobiotic Mix-Oil is used in its composition in the amount of 600 g/t. Moisture-and-heat treatment modes of “Mix-Feed” compound feed was selected to preserve its activity. Conducted production tests at the republic's fish farms showed that compound feed “Mix-Feed” increases survival rate of carp by 80 % when fighting against bacterial infections. Compound feed “Mix-Feed” allows to eliminate the use of antibiotics for prevention and treatment of bacterial infections of carp, which allows to obtain environmentally friendly products being in demand in the world market. The new feed has already been used at large fish farms of the Republic of Belarus (fish farm “Volma” and OFH “Selets”). In cooperation with SPS “Armbiotechnology” of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and the National Polytechnic University of Armenia, natural preservative from wine production wastes is being developed. Tartaric acid benzylimide, isolated from wine production waste, showed high activity against conditionally pathogenic strains of salmonella and staphylococcus, causing high mortality of fish when using contaminated compound feed. In the future, this development will allow domestic feeds to become competitive in terms of storage period. 

About the Authors

V. Y. Ageyets
Fish Industry Institute, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ageets  Vladimir  Yu.  -  D.Sc.(Agriculture),  Professor, Fish Industry Institute, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

22 Stebeneva Str., 220024 Minsk.

A. R. Mikaelyan
National Polytechnic University of Armenia

Mikaelyan  Aram  R.  -  Ph.D  (Chemistry),  Associate Professor, National Polytechnic University of Armenia.

105 Teryan Str., Yerevan 0009.

Z. V. Koshak
Fish Industry Institute, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Koshak Zhanna V. - Ph.D (Engineering), Associate Professor, Fish  Industry  Institute,  the  National  Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

22 Stebeneva Str., 220024 Minsk.

B. G. Babayan
National Polytechnic University of Armenia; SPC “Armbiotechnology”, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

Babayan Bella G. – Master, National Polytechnic University of Armenia; SPC “Armbiotechnology”, National Academy  of  Sciences  of  Armenia.

105 Teryan Str., Yerevan 0009.

S. M. Degtyarik
Fish Industry Institute, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Degtyarik Svetlana M. - Ph.D (Biology), Associate Professor, Fish  Industry  Institute,  the  National  Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

22 Stebeneva Str., 220024 Minsk.


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