
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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System approach to assessment of efficiency of quality management system in agriculture


Efficient assessment of results of agricultural products quality assurance instruments functioning in practice requires systematic approach taking into account all the correlated elements of the mechanism for assessment of management efficiency quality and agricultural sector peculiarities. The paper presents results of scientific research in the field of arranging systematic approach to assessment of quality management system efficiency in agriculture. Conceptual bases for integrated assessment of agricultural products quality management system efficiency have been developed, including units of organizational-and-economic, management and other tasks requiring preliminary solution and are crucial for achieving the planned result and efficient solution of the problem faced. Basic methods for evaluating efficiency of the quality management system for agricultural products in modern conditions are studied and identified, which is reflected in the decision making matrix for selecting priority methods for assessment of efficiency of agricultural products quality management system. Method bases for evaluating efficiency of the quality management system for agricultural products including the decision making matrix for selecting priority methods for assessment of efficiency of agricultural products quality management system. Functional-and-structural model has been developed, reflecting the main causal correlations between key factors and elements of efficiency evaluation. Essence and content of formation and development stages of efficient mechanism for evaluating efficiency of the system for agricultural products quality management, and their main tasks are disclosed. Methodological recommendations for forming the system of criteria for compliance of the existing mechanism for evaluating efficiency with the set requirements have been developed. The research results can be used for monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency of methods and mechanisms for agricultural products quality management system. 

About the Author

P. V. Rastorgouev
The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Rastorgouev Petr V. - Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor.

103  Kazintsa  Str.,  220108  Minsk.


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)