Dynamics of changes of physical and chemical indicators of the wort at alcohol production and stages of mechanical and enzymatic treatment at increase of grain concentration.
The article presents the results of studies on the dynamics of changes in the physicochemical parameters of wort at the stages of mechano-enzymatic treatment with increasing concentration of grain mixtures. The influence of physicochemical indices of wort on the stages of mechano-enzymatic treatment with an increase in the concentration of grain mixtures is established. Increasing the concentration of rye mixtures significantly worsens the conditions of enzymatic degradation of starch-containing raw materials in the process of mechanical and enzymatic processing. It has been established that rye processing at wort concentrations of more than 22.5 % is possible only in a mixture with triticale, which will contribute to a decrease in the yield strength of grain mixtures and wort both at the stage of mechanical and enzymatic processing and at the stage of fermentation. At the same time, the key element in the possibility of efficient processing of highly concentrated wort with a concentration of 23.5–26.9 %, both in the case of rye processing and triticale processing, is the need to develop technological methods to reduce the viscosity of the wort entering the fermentation. Combined use enzyme preparation, hydrolyzing non-starch polysaccharides, at the stages of batch preparation and saccharification showed a high perspective of this technological method, since wola get more mobile environment, entering the fermentation, providing further reduce the viscosity of the wort during fermentation.
Acknowledgments. The work was carried out within the framework of the state program of scientific research “Quality and efficiency of agro-industrial production”, sub-programme “food security”, task 3.5. “Study of the biosynthesis of ethanol metabolism by directional yeast cells and processes for the production of aged spirits based on grain distillates” (Republican budget).
About the Authors
A. A. PushkarBelarus
Pushkar Alexander A. – Ph.D. (Engineering).
29 Kozlova Str., Minsk 220037.
D. V. Khlimankov
Khlimankov Dmitry V. – Ph.D. (Engineering).
29 Kozlova Str., Minsk 220037.
V. I. Solovei
Solovei Vadim I.
29 Kozlova Str., Minsk 220037.
Yu. S. Pusovskaya
Pusovskaya Yuliya S.
29 Kozlova Str., Minsk 220037.
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