
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Mechanism of improvement of logistics system in agro-industrial complex of Belarus in the conditions of regional trade and economic integration


In conditions of establishing market relations and development of integration processes, efficient functioning of agrarian complex of the Republic of Belarus requires searching for new mechanisms and methods to improve competitiveness. As experience of economically developed countries of the world shows, states and producers actively use diverse logistic 
solutions, models, strategies and methods for planning and arranging activities. Organization of resource support for agricultural producers and promotion of their products in market according to logistics principles results in a significant economic, social and environmental effect. The paper, in the context of the modern period, presents social and economic indicators of the transport and logistics sector, system of state regulation, structural characteristics of logistics centers, agricultural foreign trade and logistics infrastructure. The main factors were identified hindering development of agrologistics in Belarus. Organizational and economic mechanism has been developed for improving logistical activities at the interstate (EAEU) and national levels have been developed. In case of proposal to create a single agrologistics market of Eurasian Economic Union at the interstate level, it is planned to increase efficiency of the national agrologistics market on the national level based on expansion of logistics infrastructure. Via integration of several prediction methods (expert assessments (pessimistic, optimistic and probabilistic opinions), economic and mathematical (extrapolation, time series analysis), non-standard (verbal information)), a reasonable forecast of development of logistics centers of the Republic of Belarus until 2025 was made. The issues in the paper are of interest for preparation of draft state programs and strategies in the field of agrologistics and development of exchange activities, development of country position in implementation of the agreed agro-industrial policy of the EAEU Member States.

Acknowledgments. The study was performed within the framework of the following research programs and assignments: State program of scientific research “Quality and efficiency of agro-industrial production” for 2016–2020, subprogram 1 “Economics of agro-industrial complex”, task 1.3 “Study of theoretical and methodological basis for efficient functioning of the national food system, improvement of foreign economic activity of agro-industrial complex, methods and mechanisms of management for agricultural products quality in the context of deepening regional and international integration ” for 2016–2018; State Research and Technical Program “Agropromkompleks-2020” for 2016–2020, subprogram “Agropromkompleks – efficiency and quality”, task 1.1 “Develop a system of scientifically substantiated recommendations ensuring sustainable and efficient functioning of the national food market, foreign trade policy of the agro-industrial complex of Belarus, forming of mechanism of state regulation of agricultural products quality in the context of development of the world trade and economic space” for 2016–2018.

About the Authors

N. V. Kireyenka
The Institute of System Research in AgroIndustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Kireyenka Natallia V. – D.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor.

103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108.

A. L. Kosava
The Institute of System Research in AgroIndustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Kosava Angelina L. – M.Sc. (Economics), Postgraduate Student. 

103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108.


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