Amino-acid composition and balance of collagen containing raw materials
About the Authors
A. V. MeleshchenyaBelarus
Meleshchenya Alexei V. – Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor
172 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220075
T. A. Savelyeva
Savelyeva Tamara A. – Ph. D. (Veterinary medicine), Associate Professor
172 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220075
S. А. Gordynets
Gordynets Svetlana A. – Ph. D. (Agriculture)
172 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220075
I. V. Kaltovich
Kaltovich Irina V. – Ph. D. (Veterinary medicine)
172 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220075
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