
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Simulation of rod vibrations process with an independent pendular suspension and vertical stabilization system


Continuous improvement of field sprayer design aimed at performance increase by increasing the working width, requires a special approach to ensure reliability of the supporting rod structure and quality of technological process. The question of rod vibrations, which arise when the driving systems copy field rough surface and abrupt changes in speed of the unit, remains topical. At the design stage of supporting structures of the rods, special attention is paid to the substantiation of its geometrical parameters in the longitudinal and transverse sections; studies of changes in the characteristics of vertical and horizontal vibrations, taking into account the method of the rod hanging and the system used for its stabilization. This allows to ensure the reliability of the rod design and the required quality of the technological process. The article proposes construction of the rod independent pendulum suspension on the sprayer frame and its stabilization system based on the use of damping elements. The analytical studies sequence system was developed for rod vibrations analysis, depending on initial conditions, parameters and characteristics of the used damping elements, under which they are effectively damped. It is shown that at certain numerical values of the geometrical parameters of the rod, the suspension and vibrations damping methods, not only the numerical values of the functions are changed, but also the functions themselves that describe the process of the rod's vertical movement, including cases of resonance. The obtained theoretical results can be used for design and testing of machines with rod working units and allow, at design stages, to simulate the process of movement of various rod structures from external excitatory forces, and to determine patterns of changes in the characteristics of damped vibrations using different damping elements and their installation parameters.

About the Authors

I. S. Kruk
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Kruk Igor S. – Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor

99 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023

A. A. Tiunchik
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Tiunchik Alexander A. – Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor

99 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023

V. Romanyuk
Romanyuk Vatslav – Hab. D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Romanyuk Vatslav – Hab. D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor

14 Rakovetskaya Str., Warsaw


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