
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Method for zoology-and-hygienic prediction of values of hematological parameters and natural resistance of the first litter gilts’ body according to the performance level of sows and suckling piglets obtained from them


One of research and applied areas of development of the agricultural branch of science is its digitization nowadays. However, the practical solution of this problem is constrained by the lack of sufficient statistical material for the mathematical provisioning of computer programs for predicting productivity of pigs according to indicators characterizing metabolic processes in their bodies. The aim of the work is to develop a computer zoology-and-hygienic method for predicting the morphological, hematological and immunological parameters of the first litter gilts body according to the level of performance of sows and suckling pigs obtained from them. The paper presents the technique based on curvilinear and nonlinear mathematical interdependencies of hematological indices of the first litter gilts and their performance, which allows to simulate metabolic processes in the body of pigs in correlation with a specific level of their performance. Determining the mechanism of pig productivity formation is not based on the analysis of blood samples from several experimental animals, as it used to be for more than half a century, but from all the pigs taking part in the experiment, i.e. tens and hundreds of animals performance confirmed by the data of the primary zoology engineering registration. Reliability of differences in immunological, morphological and biochemical parameters of pigs blood is achieved through a weighted average of the level of performance and related hematological parameters forming the basis of metabolic processes in experimental animals. Thus, the use of a computer program for zoology engineering and zoology-and-hygienic experiments in pig breeding, where there are primary data on the level of experimental animals performance, allows to simulate one or another mechanism for the formation of specific numerical values of pigs performance, in particular, multiple pregnancy of the first litter gilts, with no blood samples and no morphological, biochemical and immunological analyzes.

About the Authors

S. V. Solyanik
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry

Solyanik Sergei V. – Postgraduate Student

11 Frunze Str., Zhodino 222163

A. A. Khochenkov
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry

Khochenkov Andrey A. – D.Sc. (Agricultural), Associate Professor

11 Frunze Str., Zhodino 222163

N. В. Zaytseva
The Institute of Experimental Veterinary n.a. S.N. Vyshelessky

Zaytseva Natalia B. – Ph.D. (Agricultural)

28 Briketa Str., Minsk 220003

M. V. Pestis
Grodno State Agrarian University

Pestis Marya V. – Ph.D. (Economy), Associate Professor

28 Tereshkovoi Str., Grodno 230008


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12. Solyanik S. V., Khochenkov A. A., Tanana L. A., Pestis M. V. Method of zoology and engineering prediction of first litter gilts and suckling piglets productivity according to the level of sows’ body immunodefence and hematological profile indicators. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nai akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian series, 2018, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 200–212 (in Russian). https:// 235/1817-7204-2018-56-2-200-212

13. Solyanik V. V. Linear and nonlinear models of hematological parameters of blood of pigs in rearing and their relationship with body weight. Nauchno-prakticheskie puti povysheniya ekologicheskoy ustoychivosti i sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe obespechenie sel’skokhozyaystvennogo proizvodstva: mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, s. Solenoe Zaymishche, 18–19 maya 2017 g. [Scientific and practical ways to improve environmental sustainability and socio-economic support for agricultural production: the international scientific and practical conference, p. Solenoye Zaimishche, May 18–19, 2017]. Solenoye Zaimishche, 2017, pp. 1477–1487 (in Russian).

14. Solyanik V. V. Linear relationship of hematological profile of pigs in rearing and actual average daily weight gains. Nauchno-prakticheskie puti povysheniya ekologicheskoy ustoychivosti i sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe obespechenie sel’skokhozyaystvennogo proizvodstva: mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, s. Solenoe Zaymishche, 18– 19 maya 2017 g. [Scientific a nd p ractical w ays t o i mprove e nvironmental s ustainability a nd s ocio-economic s upport for agricultural production: the international scientific and practical conference, p. Solenoye Zaimishche, May 18–19, 2017]. Solenoye Zaimishche, 2017, pp. 1488–1491 (in Russian).

15. Solyanik S. V. Computer program for modeling hematologic profile of pigs based on time factor. Nauchnoprakticheskie puti povysheniya ekologicheskoy ustoychivosti i sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe obespechenie sel’skokhozyaystvennogo proizvodstva: mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, s. Solenoe Zaymishche, 18–19 maya 2017 g. [Scientific and practical ways to improve environmental sustainability and socio-economic support for agricultural production: the international scientific and practical conference, p. Solenoye Zaimishche, May 18–19, 2017]. Solenoye Zaimishche, 2017, pp. 1491–1497 (in Russian).

16. Solyanik S. V. Evidence-based hygiene: pork production, processing and consumption. Part 2. Gorki, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, 2016. 381 p. (in Russian).


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ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)