
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Breeding and problems of cultivation of winter rye F1 heterosis hybrids in the Republic of Belarus


Reserves of heterosis breeding with efficiency undoubtedly higher, have not been fully applied regarding winter rye crop in Belarus, therefore the creation of heterosis F1 hybrids of winter rye is currently a priority research area in the Republic of Belarus. The paper dwells on the main results of rye breeding for heterosis, discusses the problems of growing hybrid rye varieties in agricultural production. Thus, the first experimental line-population F1 hybrids of winter diploid rye were developed at RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of Belorussian NAS for Arable Farming”: Lobel-103, Galinka, Plisa and interline hybrid Belgi which in the competitive variety test exceeded the standard by 8.0–14.4 dt/ha. F1 winter rye hybrids form more high stem density by the time of harvesting, which provides higher yields compared with the standard. As a result of breeding experiments on the genetic basis of the Belarusian highly adaptive populations, CMS systems with high combining ability have been created. It was shown that R-type CMS is characterized by high frequency of sterility fixation genes, and therefore there are no problems with maintaining MS-forms in generations. More labor-intensive process is allocation of fertility restorers with a high restore index and with a high combination capacity at the same time. Problems in the cultivation of hybrid varieties of rye associated with a number of genetic and soil-climatic causes were revealed.

About the Authors

E. P Urban
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming

Urban Eroma P. – Corresponding Member, D.Sc. (Agriculture), Professor

1 Timiryazeva Str., Zhodino, Minsk Region 222160

S. I. Gordei
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming

Gordei Stanislav I. – Ph.D. (Agriculture)

1 Timiryazeva Str., Zhodino, Minsk Region 222160


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