
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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During creation and functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union a huge work has been done to form directions and mechanisms for implementing the coordinated agroindustrial policy, removing barriers and restrictions in trade, as well as coordinating and developing cooperation among member states in agroindustrial complex giving tangible results for agroindustrial sector of the Union. Nevertheless, increasing sustainability of agricultural sector and ensuring food security in the Eurasian region requires further deepening of integration processes in agroindustrial sphere in the context of the adopted main strategic aims and principles of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC). The paper dwells on the study of the main stages and directions, state and prospects for development of integration processes in agroindustrial complex of the EAEC. Deepening economic integration of agroindustrial complex is considered in the context of improving the mechanisms ensuring efficient mutual trade and trade with third countries, increasing stability and competitiveness of agribusiness of the Union member states. In this regard, the measures and mechanisms proposed in the paper to deepen the integration processes in agroindustrial complex in the EAEC are aimed at implementing the relevant provisions of the EAEC Treaty and the Concept of Agreed Industrial Policy, creating of efficient competitive environment and ensuring full functioning of the common agrarian market. Thus, the main directions for further integration are formation and implementation of stimulating economic mechanisms of agroindustrial policy, the gradual harmonization and unification of the legislation of the countries, provision of equal and non-discriminatory conditions for access to the common agricultural market of the Union. The proposed measures and mechanisms for further deepening of integration in the field of AIC of EAEC are aimed at increasing the level of coordination of the EAEC countries government bodies activities, scientific and business community in the matter of planning and concentrating resources for implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation projects. Implementation of the proposed measures will help to remove the main obstacles for formation of EAEC food markets, launching of production of competitive products with high added value, aimed at saturation of the common agricultural market of the Union and access to the third countries markets.

About the Authors

S. B. Buben
The Agricultural Policy Department, Eurasian Economic Commission, Moscow
Russian Federation

M. S. Bajgot
The Agricultural Policy Department, Eurasian Economic Commission, Moscow
Russian Federation
Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor


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