
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Development of food industry in the Republic of Belarus is aimed at a whole new organizational level of production and implementation of technologies ensuring competitiveness of domestic food products. The following factors of innovative development of food industry shall be considered as the main one: creation and wide dissemination of new technologies, equipment, modern ways of production arrangement, as well as ensuring appropriate professional level and qualification of engineering and technical personnel. In all the branches of food industry hydrodynamic processes are used, and therefore issues relating study and improvement of such processes are relevant and perspective. The article presents results of theoretical and experimental researches of various hydrodynamic processes in food industry, taking into account the effect of structural and mechanical properties of the treated media. The calculated dependences for determination of local hydraulic resistances in various elements of pipeline systems, resistance along the hydraulic impact length, etc. are presented. The obtained results can be applied for development of energy efficient equipment for food production, and also for optimization of such technological processes as heat exchange, dosing, transportation, mixing, etc. 

About the Author

Z. V. Lovkis
The Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Foodstuffs, Minsk

Corresponding Member, Ph.D. (Engineering), Professor

29 Kozlov Str., 220037


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)