The soil treatment system based on combined units application, allows to decrease energy and labor costs per output unit and to obtain the greatest economic effect while maintaining soil fertility. Various additional accessories are used to provide the required quality of the basic soil cultivation, shrinkage and surface treatment of formation in arable units. The most universal in this case are the star wheeled rollers with various forms of sealing elements, which crumble, smooth and compact the surface of the layers that were turned over. The quality of the process is influenced by the design, geometric dimensions of the rollers, the kinematic and dynamic parameters of operation, as well as condition of the cultivated agrophone. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the geometric parameters, the shape of the sealing elements, and the theoretical studies on their effect on soil. The article analyzes shapes of the sealing elements of star wheeled rod rollers, regularities of formation and propagation of the soil compaction kernel under their influence, on the basis of which the dependences for determining the technological parameters of star wheeled rollers have been obtained. As a result of the conducted studies of the effect of rods on the soil, the equations of its motion and compaction condition are obtained. The results of the studies supplement the theory of the interaction of reinforcing elements of star wheeled rod working organs on the soil, allow to determine their structural and technological parameters and can be used for design of soil-cultivating rollers.
About the Authors
I. S. KrukBelarus
Ph.D. (Engineering). Assistant Professor
99 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220023
Y. V. Chigarev
D.Sc. (Pisico-Mathematical), Professor
99 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220023
F. I. Nazarov
99 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220023
V. Romanyuk
D.hab. (Engineering), Professsor
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