One of the priority aims of the world community is food security. Analysis of global problems shows the long-term persistence of shortage in agricultural raw materials and food, exacerbated by unfavorable situation in the world market, the impact of globalization, political, social, economic and military crises. Reserves for increasing agricultural production are limited, and further intensification leads to decrease in quality and threats environmental safety. It becomes increasingly difficult for the agrarian food systems of countries and regions to provide population with sufficient quantities of safe and nutrition valuable food products, which is the reason for the large amount of various forms of malnutrition. The article presents assessment of research and methodological materials of economic regulation of food security. The most important for the practice of Belarus mechanisms, forms and tools for ensuring food security, used in developed countries are established. Classification of criteria and indicators of food security has been performed by a number of traits: the unity of definition, the simplicity of calculation, availability of the initial information in official statistics, etc. The main criteria have been highlighted, as well additional indicators have been formulated. A model of food safety regulation is developed based on comprehensive assessment of five spheres of management: the sphere of production of initial agricultural products; the sphere of production of finished food; the sphere of state management of agro-food complex; the sphere of material and technical (resource) support of agro-industrial complex; the sphere of market products turnover and consumption. The following measures for sustainable food security are identified as key measures: implementation of research and technological progress achievements, transfer of innovations and development of the national agrarian science.
About the Author
I. V. GusakovaBelarus
103 Kazintsa Str., 220108
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