
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Unlike most post-Soviet countries, in Belarus predominantly large-scale agricultural production is observed, so the process of organizational and institutional transformation changes in the agro-industrial complex is aimed not only at developing small forms of management, but also at improving arrangement and management of existing large enterprises. This peculiarity is in many respects unique from the point of view of world practice, therefore the analysis of achievements and problems of the organizational arrangement of domestic agro-industrial complex is of considerable interest both for Belarusian and foreign scientists. The main aim of institutional transformation changes of agro-industrial complex was to increase the efficiency of production based on gradual creation of economic mechanism for arrangement of a multi-structured economy, competition between organizations of different incorporation and management forms, equivalent exchange between the industry and agriculture, arrangement of market infrastructure and efficient state social policy regarding the rural population. The article presents the results of analysis of efficiency of structural transformation changes in agro-industrial complex, estimation of efficiency is given for various organizations forms functioning in agrarian business in the Republic of Belarus for the period of 2000-2016. Three modern directions of organizational and institutional transformations in agro-industrial complex are distinguished: business organization based on private ownership of property, including sale, lease of enterprises, unused or inefficiently used state property or its gratuitous alienation into private ownership for development of small and medium-sized businesses; implementation organizations association based on reorganization via join, merger of enterprises, trust management of property, sale of enterprises as property complexes to large integrated entities (holding companies, agricultural plants); transformation of state and non-state property into economic companies with priority state participation; conducting public (IPO) privatization of state block of shares of companies at the stock market. 

About the Authors

N. A. Bychkov
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

Ph.D. (Economics), Assistant Professor

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 

T. I. Lenskaya
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

Ph.D. (Economics), Assistant Professor

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 

T. A. Zaprudskaya
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

Ph.D. (Economics), Assistant Professor

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 

A. P. Takun
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

Ph.D. (Economics), Assistant Professor

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 

L. S. Skoropanova
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

Ph.D. (Biological)

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 

V. N. Herdziy
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

103 Kazintsa Str., 220108 

V. N. Metlitskiy
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
103 Kazintsa Str., 220108


1. Bychkov N. A. Organizatsionno-institutsional’nye preobrazovaniya APK: sostoyanie, problemy, perspektivy [Organizational and institutional transformations of agro-industrial complex: state, problems, prospects]. Puti povysheniya ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti razvitiya agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Respubliki Belarus’: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Minsk, 23 iyunya 2014 g. [Ways to increase the economic efficiency of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus: materials of the scientific and practical conference, Minsk, June 23, 2014]. Minsk, 2014, pp. 23–29. (In Russian).

2. Bychkov N. Osobennosti belorusskoy modeli regulirovaniya imushchestvennykh otnosheniy v protsesse institutsional’nykh preobrazovaniy APK [Peculiarities of the Belarusian model of regulation of property relations in the process of institutional transformation of the agroindustrial complex]. Ustoychivoe razvitie sel’skogo khozyaystva Belarusi v novykh usloviyakh: materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Minsk, 20 sentyabrya 2012 g. [Sustainable development of the agriculture of Belarus in new conditions: materials of the IX International scientific and practical conference, Minsk, September 20, 2012]. Minsk, 2013, pp. 31–35. (In Russian).

3. Bychkov N. A. Strukturnye preobrazovaniya ustoychivo neplatezhesposobnykh sel'skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy [Structural transformations of permanently insolvent agricultural organizations]. Ekonomicheskie voprosy razvitiya sel'skogo khozyaystva Belarusi: mezhvedomstvennyy tematicheskiy sbornik [Economic issues of agricultural development in Belarus: interagency thematic collection]. Minsk, 2016, no. 44, pp. 36–52. (In Russian).

4. Bychkov N. A., Shpak A. P. (ed.) Effektivnost’ organizatsionno-institutsional’nykh preobrazovaniy APK: sostoyanie, problemy, rekomendatsii [Effectiveness of organizational and institutional transformations of agro-industrial complex: state, problems, recommendations]. Minsk, The Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2014. 183 p. (In Russian).

5. Shpak A. P., Bychkov N. A., Gorbatovskiy A. V., Artyushevskiy N. V., Rastorguev P. V., Kazakevich I. A., Teterkina A. M., Antonenko M. N., Zaprudskaya T. A., Pilipuk A. V., Takun A. P., Chabatul’ V. V., Lenskaya T. I., Neskrebina M. V., Metlitskiy V. N., Mokhnacheva N. G., Danilova L. S., Khaletskiy I. S. Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskiy mekhanizm reformirovaniya ubytochnykh, neplatezhesposobnykh sel’skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy [Organizational and economic mechanism for reforming loss-making, insolvent agricultural organizations]. Minsk, The Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2016. 177 p. (In Russian).

6. Bychkov N. A., Metlitskiy V. N., Mokhnacheva N. G., Neskrebina M. V., Khaletskiy I. S. Povyshenie effektivnosti funktsionirovaniya organizatsiy APK na osnove sovershenstvovaniya mekhanizma vladeniya, pol’zovaniya i rasporyazheniya imushchestvom [Increase of the efficiency of functioning of agro-industrial organizations on the basis of improving the mechanism of possession, use and disposition of property]. Nauchnye printsipy regulirovaniya razvitiya APK: predlozheniya i mekhanizmy realizatsii 2014 [Scientific principles of regulation of the development of agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms 2014]. Minsk, 2014, pp. 48–65. (In Russian).

7. Bychkov N. A. Effektivnost’ prodazhi predpriyatiy kak imushchestvennykh kompleksov ubytochnykh sel’skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy [Effectiveness of the sale of enterprises as property complexes of unprofitable agricultural organizations]. Problemy ekonomiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Economy Problems: collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2013, no. 1, pp. 15–25. (In Russian).

8. Niyazaliev K. S. Formirovanie mnogoukladnosti ekonomiki kak faktor razvitiya konkurentsii v Kyrgyzstane [Formation of multistructure economyas the development factor of competition in Kyrgyzstan]. Vestnik Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskogo slavyanskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University], 2014, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 33–36. (In Russian).

9. Zhukova T. V. Struktura sobstvennosti na finansovom rynke v stranakh s neokontinental’noy model’yu (strany-chleny EAES) [Ownership structure in the financial market of the neo-continental model countries (the EAEU member States case)]. Finansy i kredit [Finance and Credit], 2015, no. 35, pp. 2–11. (In Russian).

10. Dubovik A. Professiya «nezavisimyy direktor» i ego kompetentsii [Profession “independent director” and his competencies]. Menedzher po personalu [HR manager], 2011, no. 9, pp. 11–16. (In Russian).

11. Malykhina S. Rol’ nezavisimykh direktorov v bankakh Respubliki Belarus’ [Role of independent directors in the banks of the Republic of Belarus]. Bankauskі vesnіk [Bank Bulletin Magazine], 2014, no. 6, pp. 49–57. (In Russian).

12. Lenskaya T. I. Sovershenstvovanie ekonomicheskogo mekhanizma funktsionirovaniya agropromyshlennykh integrirovannykh formirovaniy kholdingovogo tipa [Improvement of the economic mechanism of functioning of agro-industrial integrated formations of holding type]. Ekonomicheskie voprosy razvitiya sel’skogo khozyaystva Belarusi: mezhvedomstvennyy tematicheskiy sbornik [Economic issues of agricultural development in Belarus: interministerial thematic collection]. Minsk, 2015, no. 43, pp. 107–116. (In Russian).

13. Mogilevskiy S. D. Upravlyayushchaya organizatsiya khozyaystvennogo obshchestva: voprosy teorii i praktiki [Managing organization of economic society: issues of theory and practice]. Grazhdanin i parvo [Citizen and Law], 2003, no. 4, pp. 94–105. (In Russian).

14. Volkov S. Sovershenstvovat’ upravlenie zemel’nymi resursami v sel’skoy mestnosti [Improve land management in rural areas]. APK: ekonomika, upravlenie [AIC: Economy, Management], 2013, no. 4, pp. 23–31. (In Russian).

15. Kuz’menko T. V. Lichnye podsobnye khozyaystva: vozmozhnosti i perspektivy [Subsidiary small holdings: opportunities and prospects]. Sotsiologiya [Sociology], 2010, no. 3, pp. 128–134. (In Russian).

16. Litreev A. V. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie i upravlenie v oblasti ispol’zovaniya i okhrany zemel’, geodezicheskoy i kartograficheskoy deyatel’nosti: o rezul’tatakh raboty v 2014 g. i zadachakh na 2015 g. [State regulation and management in the field of land use and protection, geodetic and cartographic activities: about the results of work in 2014 and objectives for 2015]. Zemlya Belarusi [Land of Belarus], 2015, no. 1, pp. 5–7. (In Russian).

17. Min’ko N. S. Teoreticheskie aspekty gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya zemel’nykh otnosheniy v Respublike Belarus’ [Theoretical aspects of state regulation of land relations in the Republic of Belarus]. Vesnіk Grodzenskaga dzyarzhaunaga unіversіteta imya Ya. Kupaly. Seryya 4, Pravaznaustva [Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 4, Jurisprudence], 2012, no.1, pp. 72–78. (In Russian).

18. Borisovskiy D.V., Marenich T. G. Aktivizatsiya predprinimatel’stva v sel’skom khozyaystve [Activation of entrepreneurship in agriculture]. Molodoy uchenyy [Young Scientist], 2014, no. 11, pp. 198–200. (In Russian).

19. Otinova M.E., Gavrilova Z.V., Aksyutina E. V. Maloe predprinimatel’stvo v APK TsChR: teoriya i praktika [Small business in agrarian and industrial complex of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia: theory and practice]. Voronezh, Research Institute of Economics and Organization of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia, 2013. 183 p. (In Russian).

20. Popova L.V., Karpova A.A., Korobeynikov D. A. Osnovnye napravleniya razvitiya malykh form khozyaystvovaniya v agrarnom sektore ekonomiki Volgogradskoy oblasti [Basic lines of developing small management forms in agrarian sector of economy in Volgograd oblast]. Ekonomika sel’skokhozyaystvennykh i pererabatyvayushchikh predpriyatiy [Economics of Agricultural and Processing Enterprises], 2014, no. 1, pp. 48–50. (In Russian).

21. Andreeva I., Meteleva M. Tendentsii razvitiya sovremennykh form khozyaystvovaniya v APK [Trends in the development of modern forms of management in the agroindustrial complex]. APK: ekonomika, upravlenie [AIC: Economy, Management], 2014, no. 6, pp. 31–38. (In Russian).

22. Gusakov V. G. Osnovnye problemy perspektivnogo razvitiya APK [The main problems of the progressive development of agro-industrial complex]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, agrarian series], 2016, no. 2, pp. 44–49. (In Russian).

23. Organizatsionno-institutsional’nye preobrazovaniya [Organizational and institutional transformations]. Strategiya razvitiya sel’skogo khozyaystva i sel’skikh regionov Belarusi na 2015–2020 gody [Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas of Belarus for 2015–2020]. Minsk, the Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2014, pp. 31–36. (In Russian).

24. Takun A., Kovalev I. Lizing novoy sel’skokhozyaystvennoy tekhniki v Belorussii: sostoyanie i problemy [Leasing of new agricultural machinery in Belarus: state and problems]. Agrobiznes: ekonomika – oborudovanie – tekhnologii [Agribusiness: Economics – Equipment – Technologies], 2015, no. 7, pp. 51–62. (In Russian).


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