
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Structural mathematical model of environment impact on agricultural crops performance is tested. Theoretical curve and experimental data of Belarus and Russia have high statistical indicators of matching what proves model accuracy. Generalized crop model is suitable for various conditions and specifies results of experiments which accuracy rises by considering wide range of productivity factors during multiple field experiment. Scheme of agronomic experiment measures environment impact on crop and includes two main productivity factors – plant nutrition and moisture provision. Soil fertility and fertilizer rates provide plant nutrition. Moisture provision depends on water physical soil qualities and precipitation; in the case of irrigation initial soil moisture is a key condition. To establish how productivity factors affect the crop, the general scheme of field experiments shall contain variants of an obviously high fertilizer rates which dose increase will not stimulate further crop growth in experimental condition. Generalized mathematical model of productivity based on such experiments optimizes distribution of resources in agriculture and allows us to schedule (program) yields.

About the Author

A. P. Likhatsevich
Institute of Land Reclamation, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Corresponding Member, Ph. D. (Engineering), Professor


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10. Likhatsevich A.P. Modelirovanie vliyaniya reguliruemykh faktorov sredy na urozhaynost’ sel’skokhozyaystvennykh kul’tur [Modeling of the effect of controlled environmental factors on crop yield]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series], 2016, no. 4, pp. 65–78. (In Russian).

11. Likhatsevich A.P., Volkova E.I. Vliyanie vlagoteploobespechennosti na urozhaynost’ sel’skokhozyaystvennykh kul’tur (na primere mnogoletnikh trav i yarovogo tritikale) [Influence of moisture supply on the crop yield (by the example of perennial grasses and spring triticale)]. Melioratsiya [Melioration], 2011, no. 2, pp. 75–81. (In Russian).


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
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