Currently the world's drained land area makes over 210 million hectares. In the United States about 60 million hectares of land is drained, in Europe cultivated lands are 80–100% meliorated. In the Republic of Belarus the area of meliorated lands is about 2.9 million hectares, over the third part of crops are produced on these lands. However, at a long-time use the condition of drained lands has deteriorated, leading to rewetting and change of the soil surface condition. Maintaining melioration systems is one of the most important tasks for the efficient use of meliorated lands. The aim of research – development of theory of interaction of rotary working body with herbal plants and pumps, development of engineering tools for cleaning the melioration channels. Theoretical studies and calculations were carried out based on methods of mathematical analysis and elements of classical mechanics. The structural peculiarities of widely used equipment for cleaning melioration channels and perspective ways of its development are analyzed. Theoretical background for description of cutting processes for plants and cleaning the melioration channels are considered. Based on the research results, the calculated dependence for determining the cutting force applied by the blades of rotary working body of channel cleaner is obtained, taking into account the height of the plants stalks and the distance from the ground to the rotor rotation axis. The results and conclusions can be used as initial data for substantiation of rotary parameters of rotary working body of melioration machines.
About the Authors
A. N. BasareuskiRussian Federation
Ph. D. (Engendering), Assistant Professor
K. A. Kravchenin
Russian Federation
Postgraduate student
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