Bacterial diseases (aeromonas, pseudomonosis, yersiniosis etc.) are among the most common and dangerous diseases of fish. Prevention of these diseases is one of the essential reserves for increasing the efficiency of fish husbandry. Currently it is implemented mainly due to the use of chemotherapy, antibiotics mainly. However, in recent years, widespread use of antibiotics is limited due to their ability to accumulate in fish and possible formation of resistant strains of pathogenic microorganisms. The article presents the results of studies on the effect of phytoncides of plants growing in Belarus on bacteria p. Aeromonas and Pseudomonas. Antagonist activity test of phytoncides of 32 plant species related to bacteria р. Aeromonas were carried out, and 14 species were selected for further researches. As a result of study of antibacterial and bacteriostatic properties of plant extracts, the highest antagonistic activity was shown by Sphagnum palustre L., Allium cepa L., Tanacetum vulgare L., Chelidonium ma-jus L., Berberis vulgaris L., and Allium sativum L. Studies of effect of plant extracts on bacteria р. Aeromonas and Pseudomonas showed that pseudomonades were less sensitive to phetoncides extracted from the plants. The degree of effect of plant extracts on test microbes depends on the reaction time and concentration of the extract. When fish was administered with extracts of 20 and 10% concentrations, the clinical signs of aeromonosis (Sphagnum palustre L.) either disappeared completely, or were decreased considerably (Tanacetum vulgare L., Berberis vulgaris L.). When fish with bacteria р. Aeromonas was administered with single dose of per os tisane, the signs of infectious disease developed in infected fish slower than in the controls, the loss amounted to 10–30%. At three-time administration the clinical infection symptoms disappeared or were weakly expressed, fish loss was not observed. At five-time administration the clinical infection symptoms disappeared after 2–6 days, fish loss was not observed.
About the Authors
S. M. DegtyarikBelarus
Ph. D. (Biological)
G. V. Slobodnitskaya
Ph. D. (Agricultural)
E. I. Grebneva
Ph. D. (Veterinary)
N. A. Benetskaya
External student
E. V. Macksimyuk
External student
A. V. Bespalyi
External student
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