Polymorphism of RYR1 gene was studied – ryanodine receptor gene (eng. Ryanodine Receptor 1), which mutation leads to the development of swine stress syndrome, and ESR gene – estrogen receptor gene (eng. Estrogen Receptor), having effect on reproductive traits, in population of hybrid sows of Belarusian Large White Belarusian Meat (BLW BM), Belarusian Large White Yorkshire (BLW Y) and Landrace Yorkshire (L Y) when crossed with boars of Duroc (D) breed and hybrid boars of Duroc Pietrain (D P) of German selection. All the tested groups of pigs are monomorphic by RYR1 gene, which indicates absence of species susceptible to malignant hyperthermia in the studied population. By ESR gene, for animals of (BLW BM) D and (L Y) (D P) two genotypes were determined: ESRAA and ESRAB; and correlation of (BLW BM) (D P) and (BLW Y) (D P) showed all the three genotypes. Also the effect of ESR gene polymorphism on the number of reproductive traits of sows was studied. Positive effect of ESRB allele was determined with animals of correlations (BLW BM) (D P) and (BLW Y) (D P) on such traits as multiple pregnancy, milkiness, litter weight and piglets weight at weaning in 35 days. However, in the groups of animals not having species of ESRBB genotype, this trend is not traced clearly. The obtained results can be used for implementation in practical breeding by marker genes that will allow to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of desirable and undesirable alleles and conduct further purposeful selection, which will enhance the resistance of animals to stress and increase their performance.
About the Authors
I. S. KoskoBelarus
Postgraduate student
I. P. Sheyko
Academician, D. Sc. (Agricultural)
O. A. Epishko
Ph. D. (Agricultural)
A. S. Chernov
Ph. D. (Agricultural)
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