The article is devoted to estimation of prospects of agriculture development in Belarus in the context of modern trends of international economic integration, formation of consumer preferences and competitive advantages. Risks for financial market and agricultural organizations stability as well as agricultural industry of the country are revealed. The author's estimation of the consequences for the agricultural sector of the Belarusian economy, the dynamics of agricultural development in Russia against background of product embargo against states applying sanctions to the Russian Federation is given in the article. A conclusion is made that in the near future the Republic of Belarus will face increased competition in the Russian market in the field of poultry and pig production, and there is a high probability it can lead to escalation of contradictions and barriers in trade. It is possible to save the position of Belarusian producers subject to high-quality production that is safe, natural and authentic. Proposals for strengthening the agro-industrial policy by updating directions of agricultural specialization, adjustment of financial and credit mechanisms, development of effective agribusiness motivation with incentive payments from revenues and profits, as well as property endowment are presented. Recommendations for training the agrarian and industrial complex specialists on the basis of a balanced combination of theoretical and practical training are proposed. Implementation of these measures will create a basis for flexibility of agricultural economic mechanism, self-development, state and private partnership, adaptability in relation to the rapidly changing conditions in the Eurasian market.
About the Author
V. I. BelskyBelarus
Ph. D. (Economic), Associate Professor
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