
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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 to market economy has stipulated fundamental changes in organization and management of agricultural production. Organizational structure of AIC has undergone a significant transformation, as well as management system, property relations, principles of macroeconomic and microeconomic regulation of organizations activities. As a result of structural changes in the country for the last 15 years the number of agricultural organizations has decreased almost 2 times, and as of 01.01.2016 amounts to 1469 business entities. In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduction of the number of state unitary enterprises, agricultural production cooperatives with the increase of the number of open joints stock companies. There are 593 organizations with the state share in their capitals in the Republic of Belarus, 65 joint ventures and 40 foreign companies. Since 2006 the number of joint ventures and foreign companies has increased 3 times. 46 co-operative integration structures are created and functioning in the agro-industrial complex, with the production of agricultural raw materials, processing and marketing of the final products, implemented within these structures. 14 holdings are functioning in the agro-industrial complex system, and 12 of these holdings are state based. The key problem of structural reforms in the agro-industrial complex is the financial recovery of insolvent organizations operating in the field of agriculture, with the persistent insolvency. The number of such organizations in the agricultural sector as of January 1, 2016 is about 400. In this regard organizational and economic measures of pre-trial financial recovery and crisis management are taken for organizations with difficult economic situation, established by governmental bodies in the context of implementation of the State program for development of agricultural business in 2016–2020.

About the Author

N. A. Bychkov
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ph. D. (Economic), Associate Professor


1. Gusakov V.G. (ed.) Regulirovanie imushchestvennykh otnosheniy v protsesse rynochnykh preobrazovaniy agropromyshlennogo kompleksa [Regulation of property relations in the process of market reformation of agro-industrial complex]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2012. 292 p. (In Russian).

2. Bychkov N.A., Neskrebina M.V., Mokhnacheva N.G., Khaletskiy I.S., Metlitskiy V.N., Kazakevich A.V., Kopteva I.M., Karpov V.A. Mekhanizm otchuzhdeniya gosudarstvennogo imushchestva v protsesse institutsional'nykh preobrazovaniy v APK [Mechanism of state-owned property disposition in the process of institutional reformation in agro-industrial complex]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2013. 131 p. (In Russian).

3. Bychkov N.A., Shpak A.P. (ed.) Effektivnost' organizatsionno-institutsional'nykh preobrazovaniy APK: sostoyanie, problemy, rekomendatsii [Efficiency of organizational and institutional reformation of agro-industrial complex: state, problems, recommendations]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2014. 183 p. (In Russian).

4. Bychkov N.A., Lenskaya T.I., Neskrebina M.V., Metlitskiy V.N., Mokhnacheva N.G., Khaletskiy I.S. Rekomendatsii po formirovaniyu effektivnykh modeley biznesa sub"ektov khozyaystvovaniya APK [Recommendations for the formation of effective business models of economic entities of agro-industrial complex]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2016. 111 p. (In Russian).

5. Bychkov N.A., Gusakov V.G. (ed.) Sovershenstvovanie mekhanizma funktsionirovaniya organizatsiy APK [Improvement of the mechanism of functioning of agro-industrial complex organizations]. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2009. 386 p. (In Russian).

6. Bychkov N.A., Yavorovich N.I., Neskrebina M.V., Metlitskiy V.N., Gusakov V.G. (ed.) Reorganizatsiya predpriyatiy APK: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika [Reorganization of agricultural enterprises: theory, methodology, practice. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2011. 248 p. (In Russian).

7. Bychkov N.A., Gusakov V.G., Bel'skiy V.I., Volod'ko S.I., Dermel' T.N., Graf M.A., Krasovskiy V.Ya., Man'ko N.G., Mokh na cheva N.G., Sidorovich V.A., Radkovets A.S., Pet'kova A.G., Pesetskaya T.S., Shat'ko I.I., Chudakov S.I. Reorganizatsiya ubytochnykh sel'skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy: analiz, peredovoy opyt, predlozheniya i rekomendatsii [Rreorganization of unprofitable agricultural organizations: analysis, best practices, suggestions and recommendations]. Minsk, Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus – the Center of Agrarian Economics, 2007. 110 p. (In Russian).

8. Shmatko I.M., Linnik A.A., Man'ko N.G., Lapotko A.M., Shakhlevich G.N., Vlashevich E.N., Nizhevich L.I., Neskrebina M.V., Shkadarevich I.I., Bulygo A.N., Ermak A.V., Birich Zh.E., Lukashevich A.A., Tabanyukhov O.M., Nestyuk G.T., Bel'skiy V.I., Bychkov N.A., Metlitskiy V.N. Analiz effektivnosti raboty organizatsiy-investorov, priobretshikh v sobstvennost' imushchestvennye kompleksy ubytochnykh sel'skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy Minskoy oblasti v sootvetstvii s Ukazami Prezidenta Respubliki Belarus' № 138 i 280 za 2003–2007 gg. [Analysis of the effectiveness of institutional investors having acquired ownership of property of unprofitable agricultural organizations of Minsk region in accordance with the Presidential Decrees No 138 and No 280 in 2003–2007]. Minsk, Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus, 2008. 36 p. (In Russian).

9. Bychkov N.A., Metlitskiy V.N., Yavorovich N.I., Pet'kova A.G., Shmatko I.M., Man'ko N.G., Neskrebina M.V., Shkadarevich I.I., Bulygo A.N., Vlashevich E.N., Slysh E.N., Bura M.N. Reformirovanie sel'skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy Minskoy oblasti: tendentsii i zakonomernosti [Reformation of the agricultural organizations of Minsk region: trends and regularities]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2009. 356 p. (In Russian).

10. Bychkov N.A. Pogloshchenie ubytochnykh sel'skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy v protsesse rynochnoy reorganizatsii: opyt i problem [Takeover of unprofitable agricultural organizations in the process of market reorganization: experience and problems]. Problemy ekonomiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Economy Problems: collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2007, no. 4, pp. 18–29. (In Russian).

11. Bychkov N.A. Organizatsionno-institutsional'nye preobrazovaniya APK: sostoyanie, problemy, perspektivy [Organi zational and institutional reformation of agro-industrial complex: state, problems and prospects]. Puti povysheniya ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti razvitiya agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Respubliki Belarus': materialy nauchno- prakticheskoy konferentsii (Minsk, 23 iyunya 2014 g.) [Ways to improve the economic efficiency of the development of agro-industrial complex of Belarus: materials of scientific-practical conference (Minsk, 23 June 2014)]. Minsk, 2014, pp. 23–29. (In Russian).

12. Shpak A.P., Bychkov N.A., Gorbatovskiy A.V., Artyushevskiy N.V., Rastorguev P.V., Kazakevich I.A., Teterkina A.M., Antonenko M.N., Zaprudskaya T.A., Pilipuk A.V., Takun A.P., Chabatul' V.V., Lenskaya T.I., Neskrebina M.V., Metlitskiy B.N., Mokhnacheva N.G., Danilova L.S., Khaletskiy I.S., Shpak A.P. (ed.) Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskiy mekhanizm reformirovaniya ubytochnykh, neplatezhesposobnykh sel'skokhozyaystvennykh organizatsiy [Organizational and economic mechanism of reforming unprofitable, insolvent agricultural organizations]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2016. 177 p. (In Russian).

13. Shpak A.P., Sayganov A.S., Lych G.M., Zapol'skiy M.I., Kireenko N.V., Solovtsov N.I., Bychkov N.A., Kazakevich I.A., Antonenko M.N., Baygot L.N., Zaprudskaya T.A., Kondratenko S.A., Pilipuk A.V., Rastorguev P.V., Selyukov Y.N., Takun A.P., Teterkina A.M., Korolevich N.G., Chabatul' V.V., Gusakov E.V., Artyushevskiy N.V., Brechko Ya.N., Gorbatovskiy A.V., Chausov S.A., Papinova M.V., Tret'yakova I.A., Bashko A.Yu., Gusakov G.V. Osnovnye napravleniya perspektivnogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Belarusi [Main directions of the long-term economic development of the agro-industrial complex of Belarus]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2016. 78 p. (In Russian).

14. Bychkov N.A. Arenda predpriyatiya v sisteme gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva [Enterprise lease in the public-private partnership system]. Problemy ekonomiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Economy Problems: collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2010, no. 2 (11), pp. 13–21. (In Russian).

15. Bychkov N.A., Neskrebina M.V., Mokhnacheva N.G., Khaletskiy I.S., Metlitskiy V.N., Kazakevich A.V., Skoropa-nova L.S. Rekomendatsii po regulirovaniyu arendnykh otnosheniy v sfere krupnogo i malogo agrobiznesa [Recommendations for the regulation of lease relations in the sphere of small and large agribusiness]. Minsk, Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2013. 135 p. (In Russian).

16. Bychkov N.A., Volod'ko S.I., Trotskaya N.M. Doveritel'noe upravlenie predpriyatiem kak sposob vosstanovleni-ya platezhesposobnosti i privlecheniya investitsiy [Trust company management as a way to restore solvency and attract investments]. Ekonomicheskie voprosy razvitiya sel'skogo khozyaystva Belarusi: mezhvedomstvennyy tematicheskiy sbornik [Economic issues of agricultural development in Belarus an inter-ministerial thematic collection]. Minsk, 2006, no. 34, pp. 132–138. (In Russian).


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ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)