
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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The phenomorphic distribution of pronotum cover spot pattern of Colorado potato beetle (Lepinortarsa decemlineata Say) imago in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Moldova is studied. The genetic heterogeneity of the Belarusian and
Moldavian phytophage populations is determined. The dominance of No.1, 3 and 6 phenomorphs in the Colorado potato beetle populations based on the imago pronotum cover spot pattern (15.4–25.3 % of all individuals) is determined, the phenomorphs
No.7, 8 and 9 are rare (the frequency of occurrence up to 3.0 %). It is determined that on the territory of Moldova in the population of Colorado potato beetle phenomorphs No. 3 and 6 dominate by imago front back figure, by frequency of occurrence 15.0–17.8 % and 38.4–40.2 % from all the individuals, respectively, the phenomorphs No.7 (1.8–2.1 %) and No.8 (1.8–2.3 %) are rare. It is determined that the Belarusian population belongs to the northern and central ecotypes, the Moldavian one – to the southeast ecotype. The phenotypic structure diversity under the ecological stress conditions is shown. The populations diagnosis according to pyrethroid chemical group preparations resistance is specified by the morphotypic method. The frequency of occurrence of sensitive, tolerant, resistant and highly resistant pest populations in different geographical regions of the phytophage habitat is revealed. In Belarus the sensitive populations were present in 17.1 %, in Moldova – in 47.8 %, the resistant populations – 43.9 and 21.7 %, respectively. Highly resistant populations were discovered in insignificant number and were met at the same level: in Belarus – 4.9 %, in Moldova – 4.3 %. The results obtained will allow to substantiate the development of ecologized potato protection system from the Colorado potato beetle using entomopathogenic microorganisms and biologically active substances of plant origin, that would prevent resistance of the Colorado potato beetle to chemical insecticides. Acknowledgments. The study is performed with financial support of the Belarusian Republican Foundation of Fundamental Researches within the frameworks of project No. Б13МЛД-008.

About the Authors

A. V. Brechka
Institute of Plant Protection
Russian Federation
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture)

D. S. Elisovetskaya
Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection ASM
Russian Federation
Doctor of Biological Science

T. N. Nastas
Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection ASM
Russian Federation
Doctor habilitat (Biology)

D. V. Voitka
Institute of Plant Protection
Russian Federation
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological)

A. N. Yankouskaya
Institute of Plant Protection
Russian Federation
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological)


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