
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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The agro-service field is designed to provide various services to agricultural enterprises in the field of technical and technological support, maintenance of agriculture and livestock systems, and allows to create new conditions for establishment of
necessary rhythmicity and science of agricultural production, as well as raising its organization and functioning efficiency. The most important part of the system of agro-service is technical maintenance of machinery and equipment, and its improvement nowadays is an urgent task for raising efficiency of both agricultural and agro-service enterprises, and entire AIC in the Republic of Belarus. In this regard, a key role in increasing the level of technical equipment of agriculture should be given to the further development and establishment of a highly efficient branded maintenance of agricultural consumers, including presale inspection under the normative and technical documentation and sale of agricultural equipment, warranty and post-warranty maintenance of production means during the entire operation period. In the area of maintenance and repair it is reasonable to develop priority directions for improvement of agricultural service system, in particular, it is necessary to consider the number of dealer service centers of manufacturers of agricultural machinery, as a formal increase of the number of such centers with no analysis of economic situation may lead to financial insolvency of individual technical centers, cessation of activities and, as a consequence, inefficiency of the entire service network. In addition, it is necessary to raise responsibility of these centers to agricultural producers via contracts for warranty and post-warranty maintenance.

About the Author

A. S. Saihanau
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, the Institute of System Researches in AgroIndustrial Complex


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