
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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The Republic of Belarus is one of the absolute leaders among countries of the former Soviet Union in agricultural production. The export share of agricultural products and processing industries in the country’s GDP is over 8 %, and in the total export
potential – over 15 %. Agriculture is of a key role in the integration processes of the Member States of the Customs Union and the Common Free Market Area, which is confirmed by the section XXM “Agro-Industrial Complex” of the International Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. A deep analysis of competitive advantages of AIC of Belarus is carried out in the paper, and the role of domestic agriculture in integration processes and specialization within the EAEU frameworks is determined. The attention is focused on the necessity to implement the agro-industrial policy coordinated by the members of economic union, which will affect the efficiency of implementing the total resource potential of the Member States to increase the volume of production of competitive agricultural products and foodstuffs, to cover requirements of the common agricultural market, as well as increase exports of agricultural products and foodstuffs. For a fair competition between the Member States’ subjects, as wells as due to equal conditions for access to the common agricultural market, a balanced development of
production and markets for agricultural products and foodstuffs is required; as well as unification of requirements related to the circulation of agricultural products and foodstuffs; protection of producers’ interests in the domestic and foreign markets; ensuring good veterinary and phytosanitary level in the territory of the Member States based on common requirements and rules. It should be also considered that some EAEU members negotiate to become, or are already WTO members, i.e. have liberal commitments for this organization. A number of recommendations for internal and external agricultural policy is proposed, which will allow the domestic AIC to be one of the guarantors of the national security of Belarus in the future as well.

About the Author

A. P. Shpak
The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Doctor o f E conomics S ciences, Professor


1. Gusakov, V. G., Shpak, A. P., Zapol’skii, M. I., Pilipuk, A. V. and Suboch, F. I. (2015) “Mechanisms for sustainable balanced development of product structures within the cluster institutional space of the Eurasian Economic Union food system”, Vestsі Natsyyanal’nai akademіі navuk Belarusі. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of Agrarian Sciences], no. 2, pp. 4–18.

2. Gusakov, V. G. and Shpak, A. P. (2015) “Problems and prospects of development of Belarusian agricultural products foreign trade in terms of Eurasian integration”, Ekonomika sel’skogo khozyaistva Rossii [Economics of Agriculture of Russia], no. 11, pp. 93–99.

3. Karabchuk, T. S., Moiseeva, A. A. and Gurkina, O. A. (2015) “Age and territorial differentiation of economic integration in the mood of the population post-Soviet countries: they say a new wave of data Integration Barometer?”, Evraziiskaya ekonomicheskaya integratsiya [Eurasian Economic Integration], no. 4(29), pp. 22–44.

4. Gusakov, V. G., Shpak, A. P., Zapol’skii, M. I., Pilipuk, A. V. and Suboch, F. I. (2015) Nauchnye osnovy sbalansirovannoi agropromyshlennoi strategii Belarusi v Evraziiskom ekonomicheskom soyuze [Scientific basis of a balanced agro-Belarusian strategy of the Eurasian Economic Union], Belaruskaya navuka, Minsk, BY

5. (2015) “The development of the Belarusian agro-industrial complex in the conditions of the Eurasian integration”, Available at:,(Accessed 20.06.2016)

6. Shpak, A. P. (2015) “The strategy Agribusiness development of Belarus in terms of Eurasian integration”, Agrarnaya politika Rossii v usloviyakh mezhdunarodnoi i regional’noi integratsii: trudy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 85-letiyu Vserossiiskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta ekonomiki sel’skogo khozyaistva [The agrarian policy of Russia in the face of international and regional integration: proceedings of the international scientific- practical conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics],FGBNU VNIIESKh, Moscow, RU, Ch. 2, pp. 276–282.

7. Baigot, M. and Bel’skii, V. (2014) “Development of integration processes in the agricultural sector of the Member States of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space in terms of creating the Eurasian Economic Union”, APK Belarusi: noveishie vyzovy regional’noi i mezhdunarodnoi integratsii: materialy X Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, Minsk, 4–5 sentyabrya 2014 g. [AIC of Belarus: the latest challenges to regional and international integration: Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, 4–5 September 2014], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY, pp. 28–32.

8. Gusakov, V. G., Baigot, L. N., Baigot, M. S., Bel’skii, V. I., Karpovich, N. V., Makutsenya, E. P., Akhramovich, V. S. and Snopkova, I. N. (2015) Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po sbalansirovannosti vneshnei torgovli pro-duktsiei APK Belarusi v ramkakh Tamozhennogo soyuza i Edinogo ekonomicheskogo prostranstva [Guidelines for foreign trade balance of products of AIC of Belarus within the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY

9. Shpak, A., Baigot, L., Kireenko, N. and Kondratenko, S. (2015) “To realize the potential of growth. Agribusiness Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus in conditions of increased competition in the global food market”, Belaruskaya dumka [Belarusian thought], no. 12, pp. 138–144.

10. Gusakov, V. G., Zayats, L. K., Marinich, L. A. and Nizhevich, L. I. (2014) Strategiya r azvitiya sel’skogo k hozyaistva i sel’skikh regionov Belarusi na 2015–2020 gody [Strategy for development of agriculture and rural regions of Belarus in the years 2015–2020], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY

11. Gusakov, V. G., Shpak, A. P., Nizhevich, L. I., Lomakina, A. L., Kireenko, N. V., Kondratenko, S. A., Baigot, L. N., Baigot, M. S., Kazakevich, I. A., Batova, N. N., Akhramovich, V. S., Verokha, L. M., Gusakov, G. V., Gusakova, I. V., Enchik, L. T., Karpovich, N. V., Kuz’mich, L. I., Lobanova, L. A., Makutsenya, E. P., Mitskevich, S. M., Pashkevich, D. S., Svistun, O. V., Steshits, O. V. and Shabunya, L. V. (2016) Prodovol’stvennaya bezopasnost’ Respubliki Belarus’ v usloviyakh funktsionirovaniya Evraziiskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza. Monitoring-2015: v 2 ch. Ch. 1 [Republic of Belarus Food security in the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Monitoring-2015. 2 pm, Part 1], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY

12. Shpak, A., Baigot, L., Akhramovich, V., Karpovich, N. and Makutsenya, E. (2016) “Effectiveness and prospects for external trade of Belarus selskagaspadarchyh products and foodstuffs”, Agrarnaya ekonomika [Agrarian economy], no. 3, pp. 2–8.

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14. (2011) Gosudarstvennaya programma ustoichivogo razvitiya sela na 2011–2015 gody : [Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Belarus’ ot 1 avgusta 2011 g. № 342] [State program for sustainable rural development in the 2011–2015 years: [Decree of the President dated August 1, 2011 № 342]], GIVTs Minsel’khozproda, Minsk, BY

15. Kireenko, N. V., Kondratenko, S. A., Batova, N. N., Gusakova, I. V., Enchik, L. T., Kuz’mich, L. I., Lobanova, L. A., Mitskevich, S. M., Verokha, L. M., Svistun, O. V., Gusakov, G. V. and Steshits, O. V. (2016) Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po strategii sbalansirovannogo razvitiya rynkov sel’skokhozyaistvennogo syr’ya i prodovol’stviya na innovatsionnoi osnove [Methodical recommendations on the strategy of balanced development of the markets of agricultural raw materials and food on the basis of innovation], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY

16. Il’ina, Z. M., Kireenko, N. V., Kondratenko, S. A., Baran, G. A., Enchik, L. T., Lobanova, L. A., Gusakova, I. V., Gusakov, G. V., Kuz’mich, L. I., Gridyushko, D. N., Verokha, L. M., Buben, S. B., Efimenko, A. G., Lagodich, L. V. and Volkova, E. V. (2015) Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po formirovaniyu organizatsionno-ekonomicheskogo mekhanizma sbalansirovannosti natsional’nogo prodovol’stvennogo rynka v usloviyakh razvitiya integratsionnykh protsessov (v ramkakh EEP) [Guidelines for the formation of organizational economic mechanism of balancing the national food market in the conditions of development of integration processes (within the EEA)], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY

17. Gusakov, V. (2014) “Some fundamental questions of current and long-term development of the AIC”, APK Belarusi: noveishie vyzovy regional’noi i mezhdunarodnoi integratsii :materialy X Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, Minsk, 4–5 sentyabrya 2014 g. [AIC of Belarus: the latest challenge to regional and international integration: Materials X Intern. scientific-practical. Conf., Minsk, 4–5 September. 2014], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY, pp. 5–11.

18. Zapol’skii, M. I. (2015) Kontseptual’nye podkhody po nauchnomu obespecheniyu integratsionnogo vzaimodeistviya v ramkakh Evraziiskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza [Conceptual approaches to ensure scientific integration cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union], Institut sistemnykh issledovanii v APK NAN Belarusi, Minsk, BY


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