
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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The results of a comparative analysis of the soil cover component composition of agricultural land of western part of Pripyat Polesie for example Stolin district of Brest region, Gomel and Brest regions of Belarus Polesie and Republic of Belarus on the types of accessories, degree of moistening, parent rocks granulometric composition, the level of fertility and favorable for agriculture. It was established that soils of Stolin district agricultural land are characterized by abundance of soddy waterlogged soils, alluvial soddy soils and alluvial soddy waterlogged soils with loamy and coherent sandy loam granulometric composition. This contributes to relatively high inherent weight of agricultural land soil most favorable for agriculture in comparison with polesie region and republic on the whole.

About the Authors

G. S. Tsytron
The Institute of Soil Studies and Agrochemistry

V. A. Kalyuk
The Institute of Soil Studies and Agrochemistry

L. I. Shibut
The Institute of Soil Studies and Agrochemistry

S. V. Shulgina
The Institute of Soil Studies and Agrochemistry

D. V. Matychenkov
The Institute of Soil Studies and Agrochemistry


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)